SRS Capital Partners is actively engaged in private equity and venture investment, entrepreneurial consultancy and merchant banking having developed a broad portfolio of companies and commercial enterprise. In effect, we are builders of companies and engineers that drive scalability and success.
SRS Capital Partners also provides consultative and advisory services to portfolio and non-portfolio companies alike. Through mentoring and interactive workshops with entrepreneurs and executives, SRS Capital applies processes and models to drill down to the irreducible core competencies of each enterprise and their operational teams. This process enables the construction or reconstruction, as needed, of sustainable competitive strategies that drive innovation and scalable growth. These strategic processes have successfully built multi-billion-dollar enterprises. Whether a start-up or a mature enterprise, these processes are fractal and apply universally across the enterprise landscape.
SRS Capital began as a specialist investment banking firm developing and engineering structured finance methodologies for difficult homogeneous asset classes and employing a multi-disciplined group of experts in insurance, investment banking, financial analyses, accounting, and tax in the development of solutions for its clients. And as financial advisors to numerous municipal and corporate entities worldwide, focusing specifically on municipal and corporate balance sheet restructuring, SRS Capital successfully structured or underwrote over $60 billion in capital market transactions globally.
Transitioning from its investment banking roots, during the past 25 years SRS Capital has successfully invested in private equity and venture capital opportunities. Drawing upon its successes therein, SRS Capital is additionally providing a full complement of services to its clients, including but not limited to, strategic consultative services, transactional feasibility analysis (due diligence), capital (debt and equity) management, and upon liquidity events, select family office advisory.
SRS Capital continually employs the resources of its broad network and strategic partnerships, international insurance and banking markets and proposes new and innovative approaches to entrepreneurial challenges.